Symbol vs. Cymbal: What's the Difference?

The key difference between symbol and cymbal lies in their meaning and usage. A symbol is an object, shape, sign, or character used to represent ideas, concepts, or other entities. It’s often seen in various contexts such as math, literature, and art. On the other hand, a cymbal is a percussion instrument, typically round and flat, made of brass, and used to create a clashing or resonant sound in music.

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Symbol vs. Cymbal

How do you use the word symbol in a sentence?

The word symbol is primarily used to denote an emblematic representation of a larger concept or entity. It appears frequently in discussions of literature where it might denote a motif with deeper significance, or in contexts like iconography where particular symbols have established meanings.
Examples of symbol in a sentence
  • The dove is a universal symbol of peace.
  • In mathematics, the symbol π represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
  • The chains were a symbol of oppression and suffering.

How do you use the word cymbal in a sentence?

The word cymbal is used when referring to the musical instrument often found in drum kits, orchestras, and bands. It's typically struck with sticks or clashed together to produce a range of sounds, from subtle crashes to roaring crescendos in musical compositions.
Examples of cymbal in a sentence
  • The drummer's solo was punctuated by the crash of a cymbal.
  • She delicately struck the ride cymbal to create a shimmering sound.
  • During the symphony's climax, the cymbals clashed loudly.

Symbol and Cymbal definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Symbol definition:
A symbol is a mark, sign, word, or phrase that signifies an idea or object and is used to convey meaning.

Symbol parts of speech:
  • As a noun, a symbol can stand for an abstract concept: The heart symbol represents love.
  • Used figuratively, symbol can describe something emblematic: He became a symbol of the anti-war movement.

Symbol pronunciation:
Symbol is pronounced as /ˈsɪm.bəl/.

Cymbal definition:
A cymbal is a musical instrument consisting of a slightly concave circular brass plate, played by striking with a drumstick or by clashing against another cymbal.

Cymbal parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The band's new cymbals added a bright tone to their music.
  • There aren't typically other parts of speech forms for the word cymbal as it's a specific object.

Cymbal pronunciation:
Cymbal is pronounced as /ˈsɪm.bəl/.

Symbol vs. Cymbal in a nutshell

In summary, symbol pertains to a representation, standing for something beyond its physical form, used widely in language, culture, and communication. A cymbal, however, is a musical instrument designed to produce a specific sound when struck. Despite their similar pronunciations, their meanings and functions are distinct and unconnected. Recognizing the differences between the two terms is crucial for clear and accurate expression.

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