Throes vs. Throws: What's the Difference?

Throes and throws are two words that often cause confusion due to their similar pronunciation, yet they have entirely different meanings. Throes refers to intense or violent anguish and suffering, typically on a mental or emotional level, often used in the context of death, pain, or struggle. Throws, the plural form of throw, relates to the action of propelling something with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand.

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Throes vs. Throws

How do you use the word throes in a sentence?

The term throes is typically used to describe severe convulsions or struggles, especially as experienced in the context of death, giving birth, or undergoing a significant amount of distress. It's appropriate when illustrating extreme conditions or transitions where there is a lot of turmoil or agitation.
Examples of throes in a sentence
  • During the last throes of the empire, chaos and disorder were rampant.
  • She was in the throes of writing her thesis, often working late into the night.
  • The revolution was in its final throes as the people anticipated the fall of the regime.

How do you use the word throws in a sentence?

Throws is used when describing the act of physically propelling something through the air with one's arm. It can relate to various activities, from sports to simply tossing an object to another person. Depending on context, it can either suggest a casual motion or the exertion of power.
Examples of throws in a sentence
  • The quarterback makes precise throws even under pressure.
  • At the fair, he wins a prize with three successful throws at the target.
  • She throws the ball to her dog, who eagerly runs to fetch it.

Throes and Throws definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Throes definition:
Throes (noun): Sharp pangs or convulsions; any violent agitation of the mind or feelings.

Throes parts of speech:
  • As a noun: In the throes of childbirth, her focus was solely on the safety of the baby.
  • As a noun: The artist depicted the throes of war with haunting accuracy.

Throes pronunciation:
Throes: /θroʊz/

Throws definition:
Throws (verb): Third person present tense of throw, which means to propel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand.

Throws parts of speech:
  • As a verb: He throws the ball across the field to the waiting player.
  • As a verb: Each festival participant throws a stone into the sea for good fortune.

Throws pronunciation:
Throws: /θroʊz/

Throes vs. Throws in a nutshell

In summary, throes is a noun that represents a state of severe tribulation or suffering, often used metaphorically for different forms of struggle. Throws, on the other hand, is the third person present tense of throw, a verb indicating the act of propelling something by force. These words share a pronunciation but convey starkly different concepts, and their usage is dictated by the context in which they are applied.

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