Together vs. Altogether: What's the Difference?

While together and altogether may seem similar, they have distinct uses. Together means with each other, or in proximity or union, often implying a sense of collaboration or combination. Altogether, on the other hand, is an adverb that means completely, totally, or including everything. It emphasizes the sum or entirety of something, without focusing on the individual elements.

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Together vs. Altogether

How do you use the word together in a sentence?

The word together is often used when talking about uniting elements or people. It can be used when describing actions being done in unison or individuals being in each other's company. It highlights the aspect of joint action or collective presence rather than individual isolation.
Examples of together in a sentence
  • We worked together to finish the project ahead of schedule.
  • Let's stick together to stay safe during the hike.
  • The ingredients must be mixed together thoroughly for the recipe to work.

How do you use the word altogether in a sentence?

The word altogether is used to convey the idea of something being complete or total. It can be utilized to discuss the entire amount of something or the overall effect. Altogether is also used when one wishes to express the cessation of something completely, such as stopping an action altogether.
Examples of altogether in a sentence
  • The cost was altogether too high for such a small item.
  • When you add up the expenses, we spent altogether around five hundred dollars.
  • He decided to quit smoking altogether.

Together and altogether definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Together definition:
Together (adv.): In the company of others; alongside or with something else; to unite or combine.

Together parts of speech:
  • Adverb: We assembled the model airplane together with precision.

Together pronunciation:
Pronunciation: /təˈɡɛðər/

Altogether definition:
Altogether (adv.): Completely; in total; entirely.

Altogether parts of speech:
  • Adverb: The report was altogether convincing.

Altogether pronunciation:
Pronunciation: /ˌɔːl.təˈɡeð.ər/

Together vs. altogether in a nutshell

Understanding the difference between together and altogether helps to convey messages more precisely. Together is typically used to describe a sense of joint action or group unity, while altogether refers to the total, complete sum or an emphasis on entirety. Remembering that together often implies collaboration and altogether suggests a sum or an end can help distinguish between the two in everyday use.

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