Tough vs. Tuff: What's the Difference?

The words tough and tuff are homophones in English, meaning they sound alike but have different meanings. Tough is an adjective that describes something as strong and durable, or someone as resilient and able to endure hardship. Conversely, tuff is an informal variant spelling of tough or a noun used in geology to refer to a type of rock formed from volcanic ash.

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Tough vs. Tuff

How do you use the word tough in a sentence?

The word tough is typically used as an adjective to describe an object or person that is difficult to break or damage, or capable of handling difficult situations. It implies resilience and strength. When describing a person, it often conveys someone who is emotionally strong and unbending in the face of adversity.
Examples of tough in a sentence
  • The durable material made the boots extremely tough and perfect for hiking.
  • He gained a reputation for being the tough negotiator who never backs down.
  • Despite the tough circumstances, she remained optimistic and pushed forward.

How do you use the word tuff in a sentence?

Tuff is less frequently used than tough and can appear in informal contexts as an alternative spelling for tough, often with a playful or stylized connotation. In geology, tuff is used to refer to a type of rock, so its usage is more limited and specific to that scientific field.
Examples of tuff in a sentence
  • I like your new jacket, it's pretty tuff!
  • The geologist explained how the layers of tuff indicated a history of volcanic activity in the area.
  • He's trying to act all tuff in his profile picture with the motorcycle.

Tough and tuff definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Tough definition:
As an adjective, tough describes something that is strong and durable, not easily broken or cut. Less commonly, it can also describe a difficult situation requiring great determination or effort to endure.

Tough parts of speech:
  • As an adjective: The rope is really tough and can hold a lot of weight.
  • As a noun (slang, rare): He's one of the toughs in this neighborhood.

Tough pronunciation:
Tough is pronounced as /tʌf/, with a short 'u' sound as in 'cup' and a 'f' sound at the end.

Tuff definition:
As an informal variant of tough, tuff shares the same meaning. In geology, tuff refers to a type of rock that results from the consolidation of volcanic ash.

Tuff parts of speech:
  • As an informal adjective: That skateboard trick was so tuff!
  • As a noun: A tuff formation can often be seen in areas with a history of volcanic eruptions.

Tuff pronunciation:
Tuff is pronounced identically to tough: /tʌf/.

Tough vs. tuff in a nutshell

While tough and tuff sound the same, tough is the established adjective synonymous with resilience and strength. Tuff, on the other hand, is a seldom-used informal alternative or a specific geological term. Understanding the context in which each word appears will guide their proper usage. Remember, tough for strength and everyday language, tuff for playful expressions or discussions of geology.

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