Vale vs. Veil: What's the Difference?

Vale and veil are homophones: they sound alike but have different meanings and usages. A vale refers to a valley, especially a picturesque one, commonly seen in poetic or literary contexts. Veil, on the other hand, is used to describe a piece of fine material worn to cover the face or head, often for religious or traditional reasons, or more figuratively, anything that conceals or disguises something else.

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Vale vs. Veil

How do you use the word vale in a sentence?

The word vale is typically used in literary and descriptive contexts to evoke imagery of natural landscapes. It depicts a peaceful, often rural setting between hills or mountains. It is less common in casual speech and is most often found in poetry or picturesque descriptions.
Examples of vale in a sentence
  • They picnicked in the sun-dappled vale, surrounded by wildflowers and the sound of a babbling brook.
  • From the mountain's peak, the traveler admired the sweeping vista of the verdant vale below.
  • Legends told of an ancient castle hidden within the misty vales of the enchanted forest.

How do you use the word veil in a sentence?

The word veil is primarily used to describe a piece of cloth that covers the head and often the face. It can symbolize modesty, privacy, or mystery. Additionally, veil can be used metaphorically to represent something that obscures or conceals, like a 'veil of secrecy'.
Examples of veil in a sentence
  • She wore a delicate lace veil as part of her bridal ensemble.
  • The morning fog acted like a veil, shrouding the city in mystery and silence.
  • He struggled to penetrate the veil of bureaucracy that surrounded the government's decision-making process.

Vale and veil definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Vale definition:
A vale is a noun that refers to an extensive tract of lowland lying between hills or mountains and usually having a river or stream running through it.

Vale parts of speech:
  • As a noun: When we visited the countryside, we were enchanted by the peaceful vales and hills.

Vale pronunciation:
Vale is pronounced as /veɪl/, which rhymes with 'pale', 'sale', and 'whale'.

Veil definition:
A veil is a noun that describes a piece of fine material worn by women to cover the head and, often, the face, or anything that serves to cover, conceal, or disguise.

Veil parts of speech:
  • As a noun: For the wedding ceremony, the bride's face was hidden under a traditional silk veil.
  • As a verb: The clouds veiled the sun, casting long shadows across the landscape.

Veil pronunciation:
Veil is pronounced as /veɪl/, identical to 'vale', with both terms being homophones.

Vale vs. veil in a nutshell

While vale and veil may sound the same, their meanings diverge sharply: vale is a term steeped in pastoral imagery, often used to describe valleys in literary contexts, whereas veil pertains to a piece of cloth for covering, or more broadly, any layer that obscures. Understanding the context in which each word is employed is key to using them correctly and appreciating their distinct sensory and symbolic nuances.

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