Vial vs. Vile: What's the Difference?

The words vial and vile are homophones, meaning they sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. A vial is a small container, typically cylindrical and made of glass, used to hold liquid medicines or other substances. Vile, on the other hand, is an adjective describing something that is morally despicable, repugnant, or extremely unpleasant.

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Vial vs. Vile

How do you use the word vial in a sentence?

The word vial is used when referring to a small glass or plastic vessel that stores liquids, such as drugs or samples for medical use. The focus is often on the container's role in holding, preserving, or measuring these substances.
Examples of vial in a sentence
  • The nurse carefully filled the vial with the vaccine.
  • He held up the vial to the light to observe the color of the solution inside.
  • For the experiment, we need vials of various sizes.

How do you use the word vile in a sentence?

The adjective vile is used to express intense disgust or to highlight the extreme unpleasantness of someone or something, particularly regarding moral qualities. It can relate to behavior, conditions, or attitudes that are considered extremely bad or wicked.
Examples of vile in a sentence
  • The villain in the story was a vile man with no regard for others.
  • She found the smell of the spoiled food to be absolutely vile.
  • Throughout history, individuals have risen in opposition to vile regimes.

Vial and vile definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Vial definition:
A vial is a noun that describes a small container used for holding liquids, especially for laboratory samples or medicinal purposes.

Vial parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The lab technician labeled each vial before adding the chemical.

Vial pronunciation:
Vial is pronounced as /ˈvaɪəl/.

Vile definition:
Vile is an adjective meaning extremely unpleasant, morally bad, or wicked.

Vile parts of speech:
  • As an adjective: They were exposed to the vile conditions of the overcrowded prison.

Vile pronunciation:
Vile is pronounced as /vaɪl/.

Vial vs. Vile in a nutshell

While vial and vile sound identical, they have distinct meanings. A vial is a noun for a small container typically used in medical and laboratory settings to hold liquids. Vile, an adjective, describes a quality of being morally reprehensible or extremely disgusting. Knowing the context of usage helps distinguish between the two, ensuring clear and accurate communication.

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