Wait vs. Weight: What's the Difference?

Wait and weight are homophones, meaning they sound identical but have different meanings and spellings. Wait refers to staying in place or delaying an action until a particular time or event. Weight, on the other hand, refers to the measure of the heaviness of an object, often quantified in kilograms or pounds.

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Wait vs. Weight

How do you use the word wait in a sentence?

The word wait is typically used as a verb related to the action of delaying or pausing before proceeding. It can also express anticipation or readiness for some future event or condition to occur. When you ask someone to wait, you are requesting them to remain in a state of pause.
Examples of wait in a sentence
  • Please wait here while I fetch your documents.
  • They decided to wait for better weather before starting the hike.
  • I can hardly wait for the concert this weekend!

How do you use the word weight in a sentence?

The word weight is most commonly used as a noun to describe how heavy something is. It's a crucial term in contexts such as physical fitness, health, science, and shipping. Discussions about weight often involve considering factors like gravity, mass, and density.
Examples of weight in a sentence
  • He added more weight to the barbell for his next set of exercises.
  • The weight of the package determines the cost of shipping.
  • After a month of diet and exercise, she proudly recorded her new weight.

Wait and weight definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Wait definition:
Wait (verb): to stay in place until an expected event happens, or to not do something until something else happens.

Wait parts of speech:
  • Verb: You must wait your turn to play the game.

Wait pronunciation:
Pronounced as /weɪt/, with a long 'a' sound similar to the word 'date.'

Weight definition:
Weight (noun): The amount or quantity of heaviness or mass; the quality of being heavy.

Weight parts of speech:
  • Noun: The doctor advised her to keep a close eye on her weight.

Weight pronunciation:
Pronounced as /weɪt/, identical in sound to 'wait' but distinct in meaning.

Wait vs. weight in a nutshell

While wait and weight are pronounced the same, they are used in very different contexts. Wait is a verb indicating a delay or pause in action, often conveying anticipation, while weight is a noun that pertains to the heaviness of an object or person. Understanding the distinct application of these terms is key to their correct usage in both spoken and written communication.

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