Wife vs. Wive: What's the Difference?

The words wife and wive may sound similar, but they have distinct meanings and uses. Wife refers to a married woman, often used in the context of marriage and relationships. On the other hand, wive is a verb that means to marry a woman or take a wife. While wife is commonly used and recognized, wive is a much less common term and is often encountered in older literature or historical contexts.

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Wife vs. Wive

How do you use the word wife in a sentence?

The word wife is used as a noun in a sentence to indicate a married woman. It is often utilized when discussing someone's spouse or partner in a marital relationship. The term can also appear in compound words such as 'housewife' or 'midwife,' describing a person's role or profession, respectively.
Examples of wife in a sentence
  • He introduced me to his wife at the company party.
  • She is a dedicated housewife who takes great pride in her home.
  • The protagonist in the story lost his wife to a terrible illness.

How do you use the word wive in a sentence?

The word wive is infrequently used in modern English and serves as a verb pertaining to the act of marrying a woman. Typically found in historical contexts or in literature, wive is not common in everyday conversation and is often replaced by more contemporary terms such as 'marry' or 'take as a wife.'
Examples of wive in a sentence
  • The king promised to wive the victor's daughter as a reward for his bravery.
  • In this culture, it is common for a man to wive at a young age.
  • He decided to wive only after establishing his career.

Wife and wive definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Wife definition:
A wife is a noun that refers to a woman who is married, especially in relation to her spouse. The word implies a spousal partnership within a marital context.

Wife parts of speech:
  • Noun: His wife is also an accomplished musician.

Wife pronunciation:
Wife is pronounced /waɪf/, rhyming with 'life' and 'strife.'

Wive definition:
Wive is a verb meaning to take a woman as one's wife through the act of marriage. This verb is archaic and rarely used in contemporary language.

Wive parts of speech:
  • Verb: He would wive in a grand ceremony before the year's end.

Wive pronunciation:
Wive is pronounced /waɪv/, which rhymes with 'hive' and 'alive.'

Wife vs. Wive in a nutshell

To encapsulate the primary differences, wife is a noun referring to a married woman, commonly used in everyday language and various social contexts. In contrast, wive is an archaic verb that describes the action of marrying a woman. The usage of wife is widespread, conveying a specific social role, while wive is rarely employed in modern English, often restricted to historical or literary references.

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