Women vs. Woman: What's the Difference?

The distinction between women and woman lies in their number. Woman is the singular noun that refers to one adult human female. On the other hand, women is the plural form of woman and it is used when speaking about more than one adult human female. Understanding when to use each term correctly is a core aspect of mastering English grammar.

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Women vs. Woman

How do you use the word woman in a sentence?

The word woman is used when referring to one female who is of an age considered to be an adult. It is singular and should be used in contexts where exactly one such individual is being discussed or addressed. Correct usage of woman ensures precise communication, especially when gender and number are significant details in the conversation.
Examples of woman in a sentence
  • The award was presented to a woman who has dedicated her life to science education.
  • That woman over there is the author of a best-selling novel.
  • A woman with unparalleled expertise in her field gave the keynote address.

How do you use the word women in a sentence?

The word women is used to denote multiple females who are of adult age. It is a plural noun that should be employed when discussing or referring to two or more female individuals collectively. The term is crucial for accurate and respectful communication, particularly in formal and written contexts.
Examples of women in a sentence
  • The panel consisted of four women who are leaders in their respective industries.
  • Women around the world are striving for equal opportunities and rights.
  • Efforts are being made to improve healthcare services for women and children.

Women and woman definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Woman definition:
Woman (noun): An adult female human being.

Woman parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The woman spoke passionately about her experiences.

Woman pronunciation:
Woman is pronounced as /ˈwʊmən/.

Women definition:
Women (noun): Plural of woman; more than one adult female human.

Women parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The conference highlighted the achievements of women in technology.

Women pronunciation:
Women is pronounced as /ˈwɪmɪn/.

Women vs. Woman in a nutshell

To summarize, woman refers to a single adult human female, while women is the plural form indicating more than one adult human female. Correctly distinguishing between these words is essential for clear communication. Pronunciations differ slightly to highlight the distinction, with woman as /ˈwʊmən/ and women as /ˈwɪmɪn/. In any context where the number of individuals is vital, knowing when to use woman or women displays mastery in concise and articulate expression.

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