Worth vs. Worthwhile: What's the Difference?

Worth is commonly understood as the value ascribed to something, which can be tangible or intangible. It's often used in contexts related to money, effort, or moral values. Worthwhile, on the other hand, is an adjective used to describe something that is deserving of time, effort, or expense. It suggests that the thing in question provides enough benefit to justify the investment it requires.

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Worth vs. Worthwhile

How do you use the word worth in a sentence?

Worth is commonly used to denote the value or usefulness of something. In monetary terms, it reflects the monetary value of an item or service. In a broader sense, it can also be used to express the value of actions, such as efforts or sacrifices, with respect to their potential outcomes or moral implications.
Examples of worth in a sentence
  • The necklace was estimated to be worth around two thousand dollars.
  • Going to the seminar is definitely worth your time because the speakers are highly knowledgeable.
  • He didn't feel his efforts were worth the recognition he received.

How do you use the word worthwhile in a sentence?

Worthwhile is used as an adjective to describe actions, endeavors, or investments that will likely result in something beneficial or profitable. It is particularly useful when the benefit or advantage of something may not be immediately apparent but considered to be significant in the long term.
Examples of worthwhile in a sentence
  • Despite the initial cost, investing in solar panels is a worthwhile decision for long-term energy savings.
  • Many volunteers found it worthwhile to spend their weekend helping out at the local food bank.
  • Engaging in regular exercise is a worthwhile activity for your physical and mental health.

Worth and worthwhile definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Worth definition:
Worth is described as the equivalent in value to a sum or item specified, often said about monetary value, but also in regards to sentimental or qualitative aspects.

Worth parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The painting’s worth is certainly high but difficult to estimate.
  • As a preposition: This book is worth reading for its unique insights.

Worth pronunciation:
Worth is pronounced as /wɜrθ/.

Worthwhile definition:
Worthwhile is an adjective that means worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or importance.

Worthwhile parts of speech:
  • As an adjective: The organization considered it a worthwhile cause to invest their resources in.
  • The adjective does not have a noun form, keeping its application solely as a descriptor.

Worthwhile pronunciation:
Worthwhile is pronounced as /ˈwɜːrθwaɪl/.

Worth vs. worthwhile in a nutshell

The distinction between worth and worthwhile is straightforward but important. Worth can function as a noun or preposition, relating to value, either in monetary terms or broader evaluative senses. Worthwhile, an adjective, appraises actions or endeavors as deserving the effort, time, or cost involved. It's used to affirm the potential benefits of any given pursuit. While both terms deal with value, worth typically refers to existing value, whereas worthwhile anticipates future benefit.

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