Yoke vs. Yolk: What's the Difference?

Understanding the difference between yoke and yolk is useful for clear communication. A yoke is a wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to a plow or cart they are to pull. Conversely, yolk refers to the yellow part of an egg which is surrounded by the white albumen and contains most of the egg's fat and protein.

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Yoke vs. Yolk

How do you use the word yoke in a sentence?

The word yoke is primarily used in context related to farming and agriculture, especially where animals are used to work the land. Additionally, it can be used metaphorically to refer to situations involving bonds or connections between individuals or obligations that are hard to escape. Using yoke correctly conveys a sense of attachment or burden.
Examples of yoke in a sentence
  • The oxen were harnessed together by a heavy wooden yoke.
  • They used a yoke to connect the two spacecrafts.
  • He felt the yoke of debt weighing heavily on his shoulders.

How do you use the word yolk in a sentence?

Yolk is used in the context of cooking, nutrition, and biology. It refers specifically to the nutrient-rich center of an egg, which is often a key ingredient in recipes, and a primary focus during discussions of embryonic development. It's important to use yolk when discussing these topics to ensure precision and clarity.
Examples of yolk in a sentence
  • Beat the yolk of the egg and mix it with flour to make the batter.
  • The recipe calls for separating the egg whites from the yolk.
  • In biology class, we learned that the yolk provides nutrients to the developing embryo.

Yoke and yolk definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Yoke definition:
Yoke is a noun that describes a wooden beam used to pair animals, such as oxen, to enable them to pull a load together. It can also metaphorically describe a form of enslavement or servitude.

Yoke parts of speech:
  • As a noun, yoke often refers to a device for joining together a pair of draft animals.
  • As a verb, to yoke means to join or bond together, often used in agricultural or metaphorical contexts.

Yoke pronunciation:
Yoke is pronounced as "/joʊk/", with a clear 'y' sound beginning similar to 'yell' and an 'oak' sound to follow.

Yolk definition:
Yolk, as a noun, describes the yellow part of an egg, rich in fat and protein, which nourishes the developing embryo in a fertilized egg.

Yolk parts of speech:
  • Yolk is almost exclusively used as a noun to refer to the central part of an egg.
  • Although rare, yolk can serve as a transitive verb, implying the act of enriching or adding yellow to something.

Yolk pronunciation:
Yolk is pronounced as "/joʊk/", identical to 'yoke' in sound, contributing to its common mispronunciation and misspelling.

Yoke vs. Yolk in a nutshell

To recap, yoke and yolk may have identical pronunciation, but their meanings are vastly different. Yoke, when used as a noun, refers to a wooden crosspiece that can physically or metaphorically link two entities, while as a verb it means to connect or pair. On the other hand, yolk exclusively pertains to the nutritious, yellow part of an egg. Recognizing the context in which they're used is key to utilizing these terms accurately and preventing mix-ups.

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