Grammarly for
Microsoft Office

Grammarly is your AI writing partner that polishes your writing so your work shines. Bring your best ideas to life with easy-to-read emails, professional documents, and compelling presentations.

By signing up, you agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
California residents, see our CA Notice at Collection.

Grammarly corrects your spelling in Microsoft Word

Works Where You Write

Grammarly works in 500,000+ apps and websites so you can improve your writing without copying, pasting, or breaking focus.
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Teams
Apple Mail

AI That Puts the Flow in Your Workflow

Write clear, mistake-free documents with real-time writing feedback that works directly in the apps and websites you use.

Proofread with ease

Feel confident about writing mechanics. Get real-time feedback on commas, commonly confused words, and more.
Grammarly corrects your usage of "less" to "fewer"
Grammarly suggests you rephrase your sentence for clarity.

Make yourself clear

Sharpen unfocused sentences and save time revising with full-sentence rewrites that make your writing more compelling.

Tailor your tone

Understand how your writing sounds so you can feel confident your message will be well received, every time.
Grammarly's tone detector function
Grammarly suggests a list of social content ideas to appeal to Gen Z.

Fill in the blank page

Go from blank page to final draft faster with brainstorms, outlines, and fresh ideas delivered straight to the page you’re already on.

Grammarly has given me confidence in my communication. I no longer second-guess my writing since I can be sure that what I send to friends, coworkers, and clients will be delivered how I intended it. Grammarly is embedded everywhere I write—texts, documents, email, social media—and it has saved me the time and energy I need to focus on other things.

Newton Kiwia
Architect at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
New York TimesWSJUSA TodayTechCrunchForbes

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install Grammarly on my computer?

Download Grammarly for Mac or Windows, open the file, and follow the installation prompts. If you need help, check out our step-by-step support article.

Where does Grammarly work in the Microsoft product suite?

Grammarly works across both Windows and Mac in Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Teams. It works in Excel for Windows but not for Mac.

Is Grammarly free on desktop?

Yes, you can use the free version of Grammarly for Windows and Macs for as long as you’d like. If you’re looking for more in-depth writing suggestions and customizable features, try Grammarly Pro.

Does Grammarly work in Microsoft Excel?

Grammarly works in Excel on Windows devices.

Can I use Grammarly in my web browser?

Yes, you can use Grammarly in a variety of browsers by downloading Grammarly for Windows and Mac or by using one of our browser extensions.

Make Your Words Work for You

Join over 40 million people and 50,000 organizations who use Grammarly every day to find the right words to reach their goals.

By signing up, you agree to the Terms and Conditions and 
Privacy Policy. California residents, see our CA Notice at Collection.